My Testimony

Peace that Surpasses all Understanding

If “you don’t look like what you’ve been through” was a person, it would be me. And I’m sure many of you, too. At a very young age I started battling insecurities, anxiety, depression, people-pleasing, and the list goes on. In my early 20s the physical manifestations of my spiritual and emotional battles started to show themselves and it was not pretty.

For years I have been ashamed of my story. Ashamed of my choices and the predicaments they left me in, the reputation they gave me. So much so that I wanted to take most of it with me to my grave. This portion of it in particular.

But I now know that is exactly what the enemy wanted: for me to keep my transformation a secret, in order not to shine light on the life-changing power of God’s grace, unconditional love, and perfect plan for us.

Now? I will share my testimony will anyone who will listen because I wish everyone could experience this peace of mind.

My testimony is a story about how I surrendered my heart to God and He helped me changed the habits that were standing between me and my peace. If He could do it for me, He will do it for you. I invite you to listen with an open heart and pray that you may hear God through my story.
